Genus Harmochirus Simon, 1885
The type species H.brachiatus (Thorell,1877) seems to occur in Japan according to drawing 356A in Bosenberg and Strand (1906), although specimens in the studied collection seems to be rather H.pullus. The separation of Harmochirus and Bianor Peckh. seems to be artificial as both genera have very similar genital organs and general shape of body. However, Bianor is one of more difficult genera and any changes in it, as well as in other related genera, should be introduced after through study. (Bohd. and Prosz.,1987) |
@@@Species Harmochirus pullus (Bosenberg et Strand, 1906), comb.n. Bianor pullus Bosenberg et Strand, 1906:354,ff.378A-C,
Yaginuma 1970:670, Wesolowska 1981a:70,ff.81-82. yIKEDA's Commnets. Bohdanowicz and Proszynski were mistaken as male of H.pullus, their male specimens were Japanese Harmochirus brachiatus. But,Japanese H.brachiatus is not as same as true H.brachiatus, and then Harmochirus insulanus Kishida. Read carefully below.z Material.1 female,- holotypus - Bianor pullus Bos. et Strand Typus. Japan: Saga, W.Donitz 1882,coll.SMF 2542; 1 male - Harmochirus brachiatus (Thorell) - Japan, Kochi City, leg.I.Ishikawa,VII.1939; 1 female - Harmochirus brachiatus? Japan, Kaibara, Hyogo Pref.,leg.I.Yoshimi, 18.VII.1962; both det.T.Yaginuma - coll.J.Prosznski. The conspecific atatus of male and female is based on assumption of T.Yaginuma, who has, however, identified them as H.brachiatus. We cannnot prove that point, especially because male of Harmochirus pullus was not described yet. However, both female and male show parallel departure from the typical Harmochirus features and this may be argument of certain relative value. Tibia I in male is longer, less oval than in a typical Harmochirus. While ventral brush of brown setae on patella I and proximally on tibia I is usually long, its more distal parts consisits of shorter setae and the dorsal brush is very short, rather rudimentary. Femur-tibia I are yellow, contrasting with darker brown brush, in H.brachiatus they are dark brown. Still the shape of leg I proves that the species is undoubtedly a Harmochirus. In female tibia I is robust and dark brown with proximal 1/5 light brown. It is slightly flattened with very short black ventral brush and no dorsal brush. That may be taken as partial resemblance to Hamochirus - no distinct resemblance can be found in patella and femur I. Cheliceral dentition of male is "fissidentati", that of female "unidentati". Appearance of cephalothorax in male and female fits both Harmochirus and Bianor. Abdomen of male is covered with scutum - but in the studied specimen general coloration is light, anterior 3/4 creamy and greyish mottled, with transverse whitish creamy band in front of dark grey posterior triangle spot and spinnerets. The shape of palpal organ gives no clue, as rather similar in all Bianor and Harmochirus known to us. The appearance of epigyne is special - it could be related to both Bianor and Harmochirus, which are generally of the same lay out, but differs in that description. The study of type of Harmochirus pullus has thrown light on peculiarity of shape of epigyne - it appeares round when seen in a postero ventral position, but becomes typical Harmochirus when epigyne is exactly flat (Proszynski in preparation). The detailed description is as follows. @@@(from Bohd. and Prosz.,1987) |
Male.Male.y= not Harmochirus pullus, but Harmochirus
insulanusz Cephalothorax fawn anteriorly covered with whitish adpressed semitransparent scales (similar scales on ventral margin of carapace bordered dorsally dark brown). Eye field distinctly elevated, surrounded by light brown bristles, posterior slope of the carapace concave. Leg I yellowish brown with 2 pairs of spines on metatarsus, 3 on tibia; on dorsal and ventral surfaces of tibia, ventral surfaces of patella and femur single rows of dense long fawn protruding scales. Other legs yellowish white, spines less numerous. Abdomen glossy, yellowish white with indistinct grey pattern (damaged:tissues are separated from tegument), lateral surfaces with longitudinal grey stripes. Anal tubercle and spinnerets light grey. Clypeus fawn. Chelicerae yellow fawn with one bifid retromarginal and 2 promarginal teeth. Palpal organ shown on figs.42-44. Sternum yellowish grey with whitish setae. Abdomen ventrally yellowish white,laterally greyish. (from Bohd. and Prosz.,1987) |
yFemale = Harmochirus pullus= Sibianor pullusz Female. Cephalothorax dark brown, similar to that of male but with missing central scales. Leg I dark brown, legs II-IV yellowish brown with dark brown femur of leg IV, spines and scales as in male. Length of segments of legs: Abdomen blackish all around, covered with lighter setae. Chelicerae fawn with 1 retromarginal and 1(bifid on right chelicera) promarginal tooth. Sternum dark brown with whitish setae. Epigyne shown on figs.38-41. (from Bohd. and Prosz.,1987) |
Figures;@See@ | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
@@@@Species Harmochirus kochiensis sp.n. Material.1 female,- holotypus - Japan: Kajikamori, Kochi Pref., 23.V.1965, leg.K.Nakahira - coll.T.Yaginuma. The species resembles closely the previous one in external and internal structure of epigyne so they must be considered congeneric. However, with its single retrolateral tooth on chelicerae and robust but not swollen and not flattened tibia I, devoid of any special ventral or dorsal brush of setae, it hardly presnts any convincing characters of Harmchirus. Female. Cephalothorax hexagonal, fawn, covered with brown setae and bristles, posteriorly with delicate herring-bone blackish pattern, eyes surrounding black. Length of cephalothorax 1.70, length of eye field 0.97, width of eye field I 1.35, width of eye field II 1.62. Leg I brown, 2 pairs of spines on metatarsus, 5 spines on tibia; other legs fawnish yellow with different number of spines. Abdomen yellowish grey white with short brown bristles and 4 brownish apodemae; lateral surfaces with longitudinal lines of whitish dots. Length of abdomen 2.92. Clypeus fawn with few brown bristles and some whitish adpressed setae laterally. Chelicerae brownish fawn with strong teeth: 1 retromarginal and 2 promarginal. Sternum greyish brown with some brown bristles, boedered dark brown. Abdomen ventrally yellowish greyish white with brownish setae. Epigyne shown on figs.45-48. (Bohd. and Prosz.,1987) Lenght of leg segments
Genus Sibianor |
Figures;@See@ The genus Sibianor darkened on the list of genera. Be carefull. |
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