Genus Helicius Proszynski,1976
【IKEDA's Commnets. Bohdanowicz and Proszynski were mistaken as male of Helicius cylindratus, their male specimens were those of Helicius yaginumai. Their males of H.cyrindratus and H.yaginumai are same species. However, true male of H.cyrindratus is another. Read carefully below.】 Proposed by Proszynski (1976: 16) by indication of type species - "Telamonia" cylindrata (Karsch,1879)(Proszynski 1973b: 126,ff.72-73). Second species, Helicius yaginumai, was mentioned by Proszynski(1976,ff.373-382), without formal description but with set of detailed taxonomic drawings. Short characteristics of the genus is given by Zabka (1981). Helicius are small spiders devoid of striking coloration, characterized primarily by their copulatory organs which resemble somewhat both Heliophanus and Icius. The male has been first recognized in the same sample as female H.yaginumai and therefore accepted as belonging to the same species. It appeared later that identical male has been collected together with female of H.cylindratus, both females differing only by their epigynes, but identical externally. It remains therefore a problem whether males described below belong to only one species and with which female they should be connected. Other possibility - they belong to two different species but then the differences between them should be found and described. The only species known heretofore outside Japan - H.hillaryi Zabka, 1981 from Bhutan is somewhat different, rather related to than identical with species described here. (Bohd. and Prosz.,1987) |
Species Helicius cylindratus (Karsch,1879) Maevia cylindrata Karsch, 1879: 84, Telamonia cyrindrata: Bosenberg and Strand 1906: 331 et auct.seq., Yaginuma 1970: 672, Proszynski 1973b: 126,ff.72-73. Helicius cyrindratus: Proszynski 1976: map 70. Material.1 male,1 female - Talamonia cylindrata. Japan: Asagawa, Mie Pref., 23.VI.1963, leg.R.Hasimoto, det.T.Yaginuma; 1 female - Japan: Hanamakishi, Iwate Pref.[ocurs on Honshu and Ryukyu Is., rare], 28.V.1967,leg.S.Kataoka,det.T.Yaginuma - both samples in coll.J.Prosznski.(male identical with next species). 【IKEDA's comments. That male belongs to H.yaginumai, not H.cylindratus.】 Female. Two specimens with similar epigynes, differing in pigmentation of abdomen, legs and intensity of coloration of cephalothorax. Cephalothorax brownish fawn with lateral margins of eye field black, two dark spots on center of eye field in one specimen, thin light yellowish median line along eye field and thorax. That line well visible in lighter specimen, reduced to small spot in front of fovea in the darker one. Lower sides of cephalothorax paler, just above edge whitish, ventral edge grey. Abdomen whitish with indistinct pattern of grey spots arranged in transversal lines. Other specimen almost white with faint traces of grey spots, barely visible. Face narrow, reduced to the diameter of eyes median anterior. Clypeus and chelicerae fawn. Pedipalps white. Legs I whitish with blackish line along anterior surface of tibia, patella and femur with oval distal dark spot on posterior surface of femur I. On paler specimen similar dark lines on anterior surfaces but posterior spot is lacking. Remaining legs whitish with greyish annulation in the joint areas. Abdomen ventrally whitish, sternum yellowish grey, maxillary plates and labium pale fawnish, white tipped. Epigyne. As shown on figs.52-54 and also fig.72 in Proszynski (1973b). Its distinct features are relatively large sclerotized pockets, located in midlength. Male - together with male of the next species. (from Bohd. and Prosz.,1987) |
Male.Measurements(male from Asagawa - female
from Asagawa - female from Hannamaki): (from Bohd. and Prosz.,1987) |
Female | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Species Helicius yaginumai Proszynski,1976 Helicius yaginumai Proszynski, 1976: 186,ff.373-382, map 69, Material. 1 female - holotypus, 1 male - alltypus, 1 female and 1 male - paratypi - Japan: Nagano Pref.[found on high mountains, Mie and Nagano Pref.], leg.T.Yaginuma - coll.T.Yaginuma and J.Proszynski. Female. Does not seem to differ significantly in external appearance from females of the previous species. Epigyne distinctly different (figs.56-57), longer, with small sclerotized pockets located posteriorly and more to the sides. Copulatory canals longer and only slightly arching, spermathecae smaller than in the previous species. Accessory gland canal prominent. Male. Generally resembles female with cephalothorax brown or fawnish brown and abdomen whitish with indistinct pattern of small greyish spots arranged into transversal lines. The pattern shown on fig.55 which has been drawn in 1971 is after 10 years of preservation of specimens barely visible due to maceration of the specimen. Frontal view brownish. Pedipalps brownish with whitish cymbium tips. Femur I brown with anterior surface darker brown. Remaining segmentsof leg I whitish with greyish, delicate line along anterior surface of tibia and patella, corresponding with similar but much darker line in females. Remaining legs whitish with greyish joint areas. Venter generally whitish with sternum olive greyish fawn, labium, maxillary plates and trochanter I fawnish brown. Palpal organ shown on figs.58-60 characterized by large, broadly forked tibial apophysis. Bulbus robust with proximal end drawn into angular process. Embolus short hook-like, resembling somewhat that in Icius. Femur with ventral protuberance (figs.61-63). The male identification as H.cyrindratus is practically identical in all characters, except that its coloration is lighter brown, the different appearance of figs.49-51 due mainly to slightly different position, different drawing style, and some inconclusive individual variance. (from Bohd. and Prosz.,1987) |
Length of segments of legs: (incomplete)
Figures; See |
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