Genus Menodza
IKEDA's comment:Bohdanowicz and Proszynski (1987) described the genus Mendoza species as the genus Marpissa in Japan. Genus Marpissa C.L.Koch, 1846 The genus, based on Marpissa muscosa (Clerck,1758) as type species, is characterized by flattening of the lateral surface of palpal cymbium in males and by complicated coils of epigyne in females. The genus as outlined here, consisits of two distinct groups of species, often considered to be separate genera. The Marpissa proper (M.dybowski, M.pulla and other) has broad, flattened abdomen, bulbs rounded with embolus encircling it, cymbium very broad and usually rounded. The second group of species (M.elongata, M.magister, M.pulchra and others) is characterized by elongate narrow abdomen, short embolus, epigyne consisting of two posteriorly opened grooves separated by a median ridge; the canals make compact knots. That group has been often named Hyctia Simon, 1876[type species Hyctia nivoyi (Lucas,1846)], Mithion Simon,1884 (type species Mithion semiargenteus Simon,1884), Icidella Strand in Bosenberg et Starnd,1906 [type species Icidella interrogationis Bosenberg et Strand,1906=Marpiisa magister (Karsch,1879)(?)]. Usage of two first of these names has some merits, however, the relationship of Hyctia nivoyi to Marpissa needs further research. The best known South European species of Mithion - Mithion canestrinii (Ninni in Canestrini et Pavesi,1868) is certainly congeneric with Marpissa magister and other related species. Both groups are certainly very closely related and do form a continuous chain of forms in North America and Palaearctic. Calling them a single genus stresses these relationships although may create troubles in writing identification keys. As the type species of the genus Mithion Simon,1884 - Mithion semiargenteus Simon,1884 belongs in fact to genus Thyene Simon,1885(Proszynski 1987) there are no more species left in Mithion. That name should become a synonym of Theyne, which contains numerous speciemen three continents in spite of one year priority of Mithion. Other choice - remaining all Thyene species would cause to much nomenclatorical confusion. Very useful comparison of external characters in Marpissa magister, Marpissa elongata, Marpissa pulchra (marked No.3 but not named) and a new species, for males and females, as well as ventral abdominal markings, outlines of epigyne and lateral view of the palpal organ give Chikuni and Yaginuma (1976: 33-34). |
Species Marpissa elongata (Karsch,1879) =Mendoza elongata (Karsch,1879) Icius elongatus Kasch, 1879: 83 et auct.seq., Marpissa elongata: Yaginuma 1970: 671, 1974: 106, f.285, Proszynski 1973b: 114, ff.47-50, 1976: map 121, f.256, Chikuni and Yaginuma 1976: 33-34, Wesoloeska 1981a: 64, ff.60-62,65-66, Material. 1 male - Hyctia (Marpissa?) elongata (Karsch)- Japan: male - Mt.Koya,Wakayama Pref., leg.det.T.Yaginuma, 17.VIII.1955 - coll.J.Prosznski. (from Bohd. and Prosz.,1987) |
Male. Cephalothorax dark fawn with irregular blackish pigmentation patches, covered with short brown setae and with some patches of adpressed white scales. Eye field with red metalic gleam, eyes surrounding black (except anterior median pair), tufts of longer bristles as in Marpissa pulchra. Ventral margin of carapace dark, bordered with a belt of adpressed white setae. Legs I dark fawn with lighter longitudinal patches on dorsal surface of segments. Spines on ventral surface:metatarsus 2 pairs, tibia 4 pairs plus 1 spine on prolateral surface distally to proximal pair, on patella 1 spine, on dorsal surface of distal part of femur - 3 spines in line and 3 longer, scattered proximally. Other legs annulated with yellow and dark brown, marked dorsally with longitudinal lighter belts; spines similar as on leg I. All legs covered with whitish and brown bristles. Length of segments of legs: I 0.85+1.63+2.41+1.63+2.48; II 0.64+1.06+1.06+0.99+1.63; III 0.64+1.06+0.99+0.92+1.63; IV 0.64+1.35+1.56+0.99+1.99. The abdomen is similar as in Marpissa pulchra. Differences: bristles longer, small patches are fawnish and less numerous posteriorly, golden scales sparse (probably worn out), most of the surface dark brown, 2 anterior belts and posterioly 2 pairs of lateral patches formed with whitish blue ccales with metalic gleam. Lateral surface with yellowish longitudinal lines, anal tubercle and spinnerets black. Length of abdomen 4.26. Clypeus and chelicerae as in Marpissa pulchra but anterior teeth more proximal. Palpal organ shown on figs.99-103. Sternum as in Marpissa pulchra but hairs longer and more sparse. Abdomen ventrally resembling that of Marpissa pulchra but spots more dense and dark, laterally with longitudinal dark lines. (from Bohd. and Prosz.,1987) |
Female 5. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Species Marpissa ibarakiensis sp.n. =Mendoza ibarakiensis (Proszynski,1987) Material. 1 female holotypus - Japan: Ibaraki, 25.VI.1966, leg.Y.Suganami- coll.T.Yaginuma. The specimen resembles Marpissa pulchra in general appearance but differs in larger size. The abdomen differs in total absence of golden scales - however this may be an artefact and needs confirmation on fresh specimens. There are large dark brown lateral spots identical in location and size as in Marpissa pulchra, separated by spots of bald surface with sparse remnants of whitish scales. Median streak of white scales, extended anteriorly by white setae; it is followed laterally surfaces of abdomen whitish with one row of small and sparse grey dots, posteriorly two shorter rows od same dots. Ventrally three intensely brownish black median streaks along abdomen fused in front of spinnerets. Similar streaks in Marpissa pulchra are light greyish wuth brownish shade, in one specimen separated by two rows of light dots. The most important difference between Marpissa ibarakiensis and Marpissa pulchra lies in internal structure of epigyne, the external differences are ambiguous. While spermathecae in Marpissa pulchra consists of heavily sclerotized entangled loops, forming extrenally a single compact body, Marpissa ibarakiensis has much simpler canal forming single loop, with two (in other side three) curious spherical chambers attached laterally (figs.106-111). The poor preservation of specimen and its weakly sclerotized epigyne calls for further study of fresh material. (from Bohd. and Prosz.,1987) |
Species Marpissa pulchra Proszynski,1976= Mendoza pulchra (Proszynski,1976) Material. 1 female - holotypus, 1 female - paratypus - Japan: Nagano Pref., leg.T.Yaginuma, det.Proszynski. Numerous females and males - paratypi - North Korea: Phjongjang, Songmun-ri, Myohjansang-san Mts, Musu-tong valley, Hjangam-ri, Hjansan-chon, Tongeong-ho, Onpho-ri, Dzuyr, Thomak-tong, leg.1959 B.Pisarski et J.Proszynski, 1965 M.Mroczkowski et A.Riedel, 1966 C.Dziadosz et H.Szelegiewicz, 1970 R.Bielawski et M.Mroczkowski - coll.IZ PAN - Warzsawa. The species has been proposed by Proszynski (1976: 187, ff.412-414, map 123) on the basis of above listed Japanese and North Korean specimens. The original description was limited to taxonomic drawings, reprinted here and used also by subsequent authors, name, quotation of label and map of distribution. There was no description of characters in words, however, the most important characters in this group and this species are shown on drawings and the descriptions in words play accesory part only. The species was quoted by Chikuni and Yaginuma (1976) and redescribed by Wesolowska (1981a: 66-67), on the basis of the Korean paratypes, who considered it the first valid description. The nomeclatorical problem is reduced then to acceptation of the description by Proszynski (1976) as valid one or rejection. The female can be recognized by unusually rich coloration of abdomen (fig.134) consisiting of median white streak (anteriorly blunish) extending two third of abdomen gradually narrowing and followed by 2 small white median spots. White streak is followed laterally and posteriorly down to spinnerets by an area covered with golden gleaming scales. There are four pairs of almost rectangular velvety black (on long preserved specimen faded to brown) marginal spots, two last separated by a white dot, remaining by golden dots, underlined by thin marginal white line. This character is strikingly different in other Japanese species: pale yellowish abdomen with two parallel brownish grey streaks in Marpissa magister or brown with transverse white lines or spots of scales in male of Marpissa elongata which resembles in this respect some other related Palaearctic species. Male of Marpissa magister has greyish yellow abdomen with very thin median line. All these species have, however, abdomens long, narrow and pointed posterioly, in which they differ from broad abdomens of such species as Marpissa pulla, M.dybowskii or M.muscosa. Cephalothorax of Marpissa pulchra is rather usual - brown, flat, long, covered densely with adpressed whitish fine and short setae. There are 2 pairs of long bent tufts of setae under eyes lateral, resembling that in Thyene. Clypeus covered with white and dense beard of particulary long setae, similar also in Marpissa magister female. Chelicerae "unidentati" with long setae postriorly. Sternum elongate oval, brown lighter mottled, with long setae. Anterior legs particulary long and robust, dark brown. Epigyne shown on figs.132-133. |
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