Species Myrmarachne kuwagata Yaginum, 1967 Material. 1 male - Myrmarachne kuwagata Yaginuma, 1967, Japan, Haguro-cho, Yamagata Pref.[occurs in limited areas of Honshu and Shikoku, rare],7.VI.1952, leg.S.Okitsu, det.T.Yaginuma - coll.J.Proszynski. Male. Cephalothorax more rectangular in outline than in male of Myrmarachne inermichelis, fawnish brown, with scarce whitish bristles (over eyes I longer and medially bent) except in the central part of eye field. Eyes surroundings blackish. Eye field with golden metalic gleam and protuberance as in Myrmarachne inermichelis. Ventral margin of carapace bordered greyish brown. Length of cephalothorax 2.60, length of eye field 0.92, width of eye field I 1.04, width of eye field III 1.12, Leg I greyish yellow with spines on ventral surfaces: 2 pairs on metatarsus, 4 pairs on tibia, 1 spine on patella; other legs similar, spines on leg II less numerous, no spines on legs III and IV. Length of segments of legs: I 0.48+0.92+1.54+1.79+1.62; II 0.36+0.73+1.01+0.70+1.20; III 0.50+0.95+1.04+0.67+1.29; IV 0.67+1.60+1.79+0.84+2.04. Abdomen blackish brown with short transparent setae. Anal tubercle and spinnerets yellowish grey, retraced. Length of abdomen 2.44. Clypeus narrow, brown, with long whitish bristles. Chelicerae shown on figs.168-169, on right 9+3 retromarginal and 2 promarginal teeth. Palpal organ shown on figs.167-171. Sternum as in female of Myrmarachne inermichelis. Abdomen and its lateral surfaces blackish brown, broad lighter median stripe. (from Bohd. and Prosz.,1987, 98)